Westward Ho!

The title of this post is because I just lost another FWB to the West. Well, not JUST. It's actually been a few months now. But I'm just really coming to terms with maybe searching for a new one. 

I'm sad because The Keeper was a great guy. I didn't play with him nearly enough, but we did form a wonderful friendship, and of course we'll stay friends. And he's from this area and has family here so he will probably visit from time to time. It's just he found a really great job in Arizona and already had friends there, so it was a no-brainer for him to move out there.

So...back to the elusive search. I was traveling for a few weeks, and then I came down with an evil cold. I'm still not 100%, and I'm entering Week 3 of this sinus crap. And I'm about to travel again, but only for a week this time, and then I'm home for a long stretch before traveling again. It's an ideal time to look.

The search seems so pointless though.

The vast majority of the men within a one-hour radius of me are simply unsuitable for one reason or another. Yes, I know, that means I could expand my search radius. But I don't have the time to travel long distances for playdates, and I can only host sometimes. Plus my dogs are just freaking annoying when I host. They want to be all up in the guest's business. (WHAT IS HE DOING TO MOMMY IN THERE???)

I'm getting a wild number of messages from men under 28 or so. My oldest son is turning 27 this summer and I just...ugh, I can't do it. I'm really looking for 35-59, which *seems* like it shouldn't be so hard? But also the 50-59 guys have to not look like they're 70, which, in this area, is quite a challenge.

Around here, most of the men around my age are in unhappy marriages and are looking for a side chick. Honestly, that's just the reality of it. They don't know what poly is. They've never heard of ethical nonmonogamy. And I know some poly folks HATE the ENM term but when you come across so many people who don't have a clue about the E part...it seems like it's necessary to include it. (This hearkens back to my last post: "we are not the same")

Then there's just the fact that most of these men either don't have photos or have blank profiles or only one to two lines of text on their profile. They message saying they want to meet or fuck, and I'm like, I'm supposed to agree based on what exactly? Desperation? Sorry, dude, I have a LELO. It's better than a blank profile.

I just cannot tolerate that absolutely clueless combination of ignorance and entitlement.

Is it so fucking hard to write a few sentences about yourself and to have one or two recent pictures of yourself--YOUR FACE? You have ten dick pics but you can't have one of your actual face?

So, anyway, I am considering moving West. If that's where all my FWBs are going, then all the good men must be out there, right?

Folks, Phoebe clearly needs to get laid. It's been over a month, and my husband has zero interest. I can't even get a kiss on a regular basis, let alone a fuck. Lack of sex makes me so crabby. Hence this whiny post.

I'm sorry. No one's forcing you to read it.

But, yeah. West. I think that might be the answer.


  1. Following Village People, perhaps it's worth thinking about going west.
    I'm new to following your blog and new to this site. I'm Stephen from Britain. I'm an exile from Adult FriendFinder where I used to despair how entitled and abusive some men were to women.

  2. I also did my time on AFF. Welcome to my blog and thanks for your comment :)


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