What's the Opposite of Social Distancing?

Social proximity-ing? LOL 

Well, whatever it is, that's what I did today.

So here's the current Phoebe Poly Dating Tally:

Men I've met in person this year: 3
Men I've fucked: 0
Men I've talked to offline: 6

So...I finally met one of the other guys I was talking to from fetlife today, and he seems nice and normal and...above all else...interested. No surprises in his appearance or demeanor, which is nice. And he also works from home, so his schedule is flexible. He only lives about 20 minutes away.

I mean, I really couldn't ask for anything logistically better than this. He has another partner he sees, but she's out of state, so he's looking for someone local as well. That's fine with me. I don't want him to get attached and want to spend too much time with me (yes, that has been a problem in the past.) He also has some swinging and BDSM experience, and we've been to some of the same clubs.

Could this be a turning point?

I don't want to put the cart before the horse, so I will reserve judgment until after we actually do the deed. We still have to get some preliminary stuff out of the way, a few more checkpoints, if you will. And then we'll greenlight this baby.

In other news, I not only met him, but I also had lunch with some lifestyle friends I'd met at a meet and greet years and years ago, and we've always kept in touch via Facebook but have never really hung out. It was refreshing to dine with like-minded folks, and they are both a lot of fun. Hope I will see them again soon, and maybe Mr. A will be able to join us next time. 

I hadn't spent time with people I'm not related to since March. The last person I hung out with in person that wasn't related to me was the 2nd guy I met from Fet a week before the quarantine started.

I needed a positive day. After everything that's happened in the last week, I really needed a check in the win column, even if it's just a successful first meet.


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