OKC--what does it stand for?

I've been trying to come up with something witty...an alternative meaning for OKCupid. I mean, it's already a pretty dumb name. Is it like, "OK, Cupid, I'm giving up on you and taking matters into my own hands"? Bonus points to anyone who manages to make a proper joke about this since I've failed miserably.

I used to use this site a lot in my late thirties/early forties when I was going through my divorce. I was dating my husband at the time, but didn't really see a future for us, so I was scoping out other options. And my husband and I were open back then, so he didn't care (nor does he care now whom I talk to or fuck.)

Now I'm going through looking at these guys, and I'm like wow, they look old. 

Then I remember that I am old now too. And they are essentially within ten years of my age. Sigh. I have a birthday next month. Really feeling 46 bearing down on me. I can still claim mid-forties, right? I don't have to do late forties till 48, I'm thinking. I know, age shouldn't matter. But for women, well, you know as well as I do that we're a lot more likely to be discriminated against or cast aside due to our age than men are.

That said, there are a good number of poly men on OKC now. It's just that they live in actual cities far away from me. And I get that they're trying to be all cool and sophisticated and shit, but if I see one more guy flaunting his second or third language or telling me how much he loves some "exotic" cuisine, I may vomit. Seriously. One dude was all about Korean. Another rambled on about Ethiopian. I get it, you like to eat, and you think if you extol the virtues of some foreign cuisine, it will make you seem cultured and worldly and shit.

The other new thing is for men to expound upon their crafty hobbies. Like one said he had built a forge. Another was big into woodworking. And another talked about how he liked to feed people the vegetables he grew and game he hunted. So apparently the "pioneer" persona is in. 

It's really enlightening to spot what's trendy in these profiles. There's also a lot of political stuff in profiles I don't remember seeing when I was here 7-8 years ago.

One of the profile questions asks what you're doing with your life, and I therein lament that my plans for world domination have gone awry, and I could use some help. That garners a lot of messages. So it's good that these dudes (usually the pioneer type) are paying attention to something other than my boobs. 

I met The Professor on there, what like 6 weeks ago now? I know you all want to know how our play date went. That's the only reason you suffered through my rambling complaints, isn't it? Well, it was... okay. I'm not going to lie. Could have been better. I'm not going to go into the gory details in this post--maybe at a future date--but will I see him again? I don't know. Maybe. I like him. He's fun to hang out with. The real question is...is unsatisfying sex better than no sex at all?

I came home that night just wishing my husband would fuck me.

And it made me sad to know that wasn't going to happen.

So that's where I'm at. And why I'm trolling OKC today.


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