So, Phoebes, how's poly dating going for you?

Well, I got a brand new LELO vibrator and posted a video of myself using it on onlyfans if that tells you anything.

Any prospects I had in my previous posts have dried up, so to speak--except for the last guy I met. I have seen him twice now, but we haven't done anything but kiss.

He's a great kisser, by the way.

I feel like he's sort of a captive audience because he just moved here and doesn't know anyone else (to my knowledge). He wants to spend more time with me but family, work, trips out of state to see dying relatives, periods, etc. have kept me from that elusive third date where we finally knock the boots.

I haven't been active on the dating sites in the past few weeks. I feel like this current candidate should work out, but the big looming question of whether or not the sex is good is still...well, looming. Obviously.

I believe I will get to find out on Wednesday for those of you keeping score at home. I also have a therapy appointment in the middle of the day, so I'm either going to pre-game my therapy appointment or have therapy and then naked therapy.

It's gotten to the point where I believe this fellow needs a moniker of sorts. We're going to call him The Professor. Are y'all okay with that?

I shall report back my findings.


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