The One in Which Phoebe Finally Gets Laid

I remember once upon a time, if I went more than a few days without sex, I'd feel like I was about to climb the walls. 

Suffice it to say, those days are long over. I think my husband and I are on the once a month plan, or we were, until he told me last month that my weight and diet made it unlikely that he would want to be intimate in the future. And then he asked me why I wasn't fucking someone else.

God knows I am trying over here! LOL 

That guy I met like a week and a half ago has pretty much ghosted, I guess? I don't know what happened, and I'm feeling kind of whatever about it. We chatted a couple of times via text/email and I was supposed to take a photo for him and then didn't, and he's probably mad. 

Then I started talking to a new guy who seems promising. He's moving here from the midwest for a job, which is exactly what I did 13 years ago this month. He just arrived yesterday and he doesn't know anyone here, so I really think we'll end up meeting.

But today...lo and behold today the stars aligned for one of those former FWBs, you know, "historical dick," to visit. 

And visit he did.

Not great timing for me professionally because I am swamped with projects, but I think staying up all night to work will be worth the four-ish hours we spent getting it on.

And as soon as I finish this blog post, I'm going to get to it. I really hope that wasn't my only sex for the month. *fingers crossed*


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