there is no f*cking line, you entitled a$$hole


It's been a little crazy since I returned from the Homeland. It's like all the sudden, all these interested parties have come out of the woodwork. I was texting with three or four different FWB candidates in the past two weeks. No wonder I can't get my work done! 

I was sort of getting to the point of meeting someone in person when my social anxiety kicked in. I didn't make concrete plans with him for the other night, but I'd said I might possibly be able to meet him. As it turned out, I didn't feel up to it, and when I told him, he was a pouty little asshole about it. Even at 7:30 that night, he was still begging me to "come out and say hi, just five minutes," he said. Never mind that it would have been an hour round trip for me for "five minutes."

So I told him I was going to stay in and bake my kids cookies, and that maybe we could try on Thursday.

He did not return my text that night. Nor yesterday. Nor all day today. This is after we had been texting steadily, several texts a day for a week or two.

He had said a few other things that gave me pause. Something like he wanted to be the next to fuck me. And then telling me what he wanted me to wear (both regular clothes and undergarments) and giving me an "assignment" that he wanted me to do when we met.

Now, I get it, he's a Dom. But even though I have submissive tendencies, it's not a part of me I just bring out with strangers. I have to get to know someone in person and sexually before I know if I'm going to click with them in a BDSM capacity. I look at it more as a roleplay-type thing I am agreeable to after I get to know someone in a more vanilla way. Of course, I explain this to all interested parties.

So the fact that he was being all dominant and possessive from the get-go already wasn't sitting well with me, but he did back off when I told him I wasn't ready for any of that yet.

So after almost 48 hours of no contact he sends me this passive-aggressive bullshit:

"So, I assume you aren't able to meet me tonight."

WTF is that?

Quit fucking pouting because I haven't met you yet. 

So I told him I was getting a vibe from him that made me uncomfortable and that I was going to pursue other relationships and wished him luck. Then he begs me to explain, "What did I do? I've been waiting patiently..."

Like I'm some ride he's standing in line for. He is not the first man to make me feel like I'm a carnival ride. There is often explicit or implicit mention of "a line" to meet me/fuck me/date me, etc.

I know I'm not the only woman to get this bullshit either.


I may be talking to one person, and then I start talking to someone else who seems to be better suited for what I'm looking for. That means I may meet him first. You don't get to call "dibs." I am a human being, not a carnival ride. There is no Fastpass system. This is not fucking Disney, alright?

I decide when, where, and whom I will meet. Likewise, if you decide at any time that I'm not your cup of tea, that's perfectly fine, and I'm not going to send passive-aggressive texts or try to manipulate/guilt you into meeting me.

This is why women taking charge of their sexuality is SO empowering and SO necessary. Because men have this attitude that there's a line. That we're a prize to be won. That if we give attention to someone else, it's attention they can't get. 

That attitude is over, guys. Get with the program.


  1. Acting like that will get you a fast track to the exit line. Whining and demanding are not proper communication which is required for a healthy relationship. (especially at the beginning)

    1. Exactly. I have so very little tolerance for this kind of BS. But this is also why I can never find someone LOL. Or I find a man who is too nice and not assertive enough. I just want a balance for fuck's sake LOL


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