how scandalous!



I live my real life in the book world. It means most people I communicate with on a daily basis are other authors, readers, book service vendors, and editing clients. It's a very gossipy community--probably because it's predominantly made up of women. I hate generalizing like that, my experience, more women = more drama.

Funnily enough, I was just talking about that with my FWB, whom I've actually taken to calling my boyfriend as of late. Huh. How did that happen, right?

One of the biggest takeaways from the lifestyle has been that the more women who are involved in something, the more drama there is.

Threesomes with two women seem to be much more prone to drama than ones with two men.

No wonder I'm not a fan of FMF or FFM, besides the whole not being bi thing. 

Not that I haven't tried. Lord, did I try. Back in the day.

A big house party with lots of women in attendance? Hold on to your panties, folks. Watch your mouth, and watch your back.


I think the difference, though, between LS drama and book world drama is that the gossip and chatter of the latter isn't confined to private. In the LS, it can be little cliques but mostly it's a one-on-one spilling of the tea. For the most part, LS folks aren't getting up on soap boxes or publicly calling others out. Privacy and discretion are really valued, obviously. the book world...there's an almost relentless drive to set the record straight, to take sides, and to publicly state one's opinions about anything and everything.

It always surprises me how much people think of their own opinions. Sure, opinions are valid. There's no doubt about that. But many feel like their opinions need to be shared. Out loud. In public. 

I'm sitting over here thinking that a) my opinion is really no one's business, b) my colleagues and readers probably don't even care what my opinion is on most matters and c) I probably have better ways of gaining attention. Like showing my nips on Instagram, for instance.

I don't know where I'm going with this except that these communities we belong to, that we consider ourselves members of, we shape them ourselves by the way we behave and interact with others in the community.

And it's helpful to remember that you can only control your own behavior.

Not everyone shares your values or your way of doing things. 

When you do find someone you vibe with, cherish it.

And that's kinda why I'm thinking of my FWB as more of a boyfriend these days.

So, see, I kinda pulled that off. Kinda.




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